is a mixed-media interdisciplinary artist,

living with her family in rural Appalachia in East Tennessee, USA. She earned B.A. in Studio Art and English Literature from Messiah College. Her work has been exhibited in galleries, museums, and community spaces all over the United States. She has participated in residencies with the Artist Residency in Motherhood (ARiM), Makers Circle, and Stay Home Gallery. In 2020, she founded EAT/ART space, an alternative pop-up gallery, where she curates exhibits. She also organizes artist meet-ups in the southern highlands to foster regional growth, collaboration, and innovation.


My work documents the psychology and embodied experience of the unrepeatable moment.

Available for speaking, teaching, curation, and connection.


*indicates a one or two-person show

ArtFields Competition Artist / Artfields / Lake City, SC

*Filtered Through / Samford University / Birmingham, AL
Boldly Taking Up Space / ClearStory Arts / Chattanooga, TN
Viral Integration / University of California / Irvine, CA ( link )
*Birds of a Feather / Create Appalachia / Kingsport, TN

*Within Normal Limits: Repairing the Body and Spirit of Illness / EAT/ART space / Johnson City, TN
Good Grief / Fischman Gallery @ Atelier133 / Johnson City, TN

Local Art in the Age of the 2020 Global Pandemic / Reece Museum / Johnson City, TN
From Dining Room to Freight Station / Arts Depot / Abingdon, VA

Women’s Work, Indianapolis Art Center / Indianapolis, IN
Women’s Work: New Takes on Textile Art, Reeves House Visual Arts Center / Woodstock, GA
If Not Now, When? / Spilt Milk Gallery / Online Exhibition
Leaf & Root & Berry / Sassafras Moon Festival Exhibition / Erwin, TN
The Art of Motherhood / Sojourn Arts / Louisville, KY

Fantastic Film / Lightbox Photographic / Astoria, OR
*Spirits in Blue / EAT/ART space / Johnson City, TN
A Little of This, A Little of That / The Gallery @ Paragon / Phoenixville, PA
Altered Reality / Lightbox Photographic / Astoria, OR
*Chemical Flight / EAT/ART space / Johnson City, TN


*They Once Flew, Dos Gatos Café / Johnson City, TN
Tangibility of Faith: Art & Religion in Appalachia / Reece Museum / Johnson City, TN
Film Shooters Collective @ Revela-T / Vilassar de Dalt, Spain
Alternative Visions / Lightbox Photographic / Astoria, OR
Of Printbearing Age / Second State Press / Philadelphia, PA
4th Annual Alternative Process Photography Exhibition / The Image Flow / Mill Valley, CA
Of Bees, Petals, & Wings: Pollinators Exhibition / Tipton Gallery / Johnson City, TN
Plastic Fantastic X / Lightbox Photographic / Astoria, OR

FEEL / B[x] Gallery & Brooklyn Film Camera / Brooklyn, NY
Mnemonic / Dab Arts / Ventura, CA
3rd Annual Alternative Processes Exhibition / The Image Flow / Mill Valley, CA
National Juried Exhibition / Academy Center for the Arts / Lynchburg, VA
Plastic Fantastic / Lightbox Photographic / Astoria, OR

Our Appalachia / Tipton Gallery / Johnson City, TN
*From the Earth: Works of Clay and Paper, ArtCurious Gallery / Johnson City, TN
Tennessee Craft Exhibition, Reece Museum @ ETSU / Johnson City, TN
Plastic Fantastic, Lightbox Photographic / Astoria, OR
2nd Annual Alternative Processes Exhibition, The Image Flow / Mill Valley, CA
National Juried Exhibition, Academy Center for the Arts / Lynchburg, VA

*Heaven and Earth, William King Museum of Art / Abingdon, VA
Out of the Blue, PhotoSynthesis / Manchester, CT
INTERSECTION, A1LabArts / Knoxville, TN
REMNANTS, Lightbox Photographic / Astoria, OR

Jezeball, Willow Tree Coffeehouse / Johnson City, TN
*Solar Powered Drawings, Nelson Fine Art / Johnson City, TN

*Women with Icons, Antiochian Heritage Museum / Ligonier, PA

*Portraits of Light, Yellow Dog Tavern / Baltimore, MD

The Action/Interaction: Book/Arts Exhibition, Chicago Center for Book and Paper Arts / Chicago, IL
Triptychs, Herring Run Gallery / Baltimore, MD
Big Show, Creative Alliance, Baltimore, MD

*Women with Icons, Amalie Rothschild Gallery / Baltimore, MD
Triptychs, Hard Bean Coffee & Booksellers / Annapolis, MD
*Triptychs, Baltimoregallery, Baltimore, MD

Big Show, Creative Alliance, Baltimore MD
International Photography Competition, The Fraser Gallery, Bethesda, MD


“In the Studio,” Image Journal, issue #118 / October 2023 ( link )
"Pluto’s Inversion,” Cyanotype: L’Art et La Technique. by Christina Z. Anderson / Paris, France: Editions First, février 2023.
“Synovial Algia (Capitoline Venus I)” & “Synovial Algia (Doryphoros II),” The HAND Magazine, issue #29, 2020
”Throcentesis,” 2020, collected by the Reece Museum, Johnson City, TN
"Pluto’s Inversion,” Cyanotype: The Blueprint in Contemporary Practice, by Christina Z. Anderson, 2019
“The Heart Size is Unremarkable,” The HAND Magazine, issue #25, 2019
"More Spacious Than the Heavens," The HAND Magazine, issue #15, 2017
”Jupiter’s Triumph,” The HAND Magazine, issue #14, 2016
“The Gaze,” The HAND Magazine, issue #13, 2016
“Folly One,” SHOTS Magazine no. 128, 2015
“Women With Icons,” The Word Magazine, 2014
“Hold Hands,” Urbanite Magazine, 2008
“Women with Icons,” The Handmaiden, 2006
“Graffiti,” VenusZine, 2006
“Interior,” Filtered Magazine, 2006
“Lost & Found,” f-stop magazine, 2005


Artist in Residence, Stay Home Gallery, Paris TN / 2020
Juror’s Choice Award, “Golden Lymph Nodes” Academy Center for the Arts / 2018
Micro Residency, Makers Circle, Marshall, NC / 2018
Artist Residency in Motherhood, ARiM w/Lenka Clayton, Johnson City, TN / 2016 - 2019


On Illness and Community, Artist Lecture Series for Milligan University / 2025 ( link )
Unravel your journey Podcast Interview - “On Creativity, Motherhood, and Chronic Illness” / 2024 ( link )
Nourishing & Flourishing: Appalachian Art and Food
exhibit curator, Create Appalachia, Kingsport, TN / 2023
“‘Within Normal Limits’ Artist Talk and Community Panel Discussion,” EAT/ART space / 2023 ( link )
From Dining Room to Freight Station
curator, Abingdon Arts Depot, Abingdon, VA / 2022
Contemporary Culture Makers
exhibit curator, Reece Museum, Johnson City, TN / 2021 ( walkthrough / virtual artist talk )
“Chronic Illness as an Artist/Mother” Panel Discussion, Artist/Mother Podcast Network / 2021
Perfectionist in Recovery Podcast Interview - “Rest As A Creative Practice” / 2021 ( link )
On Motherhood & Artmaking - Sojourn Arts Interview / 2021 ( link )
Founder & Gallery Curator, EAT/ART space ( link )